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The product is composed by a sheet representing a hot-air ballon and the following text: "Non mi stanco mai di un cielo azzurro, Vincent Van Gogh".
Nota Bene:
If applied on the wall you need to wait at least a month after the last painting.
If the walls are painted or treated in a particular way it is always good to ask for advice to the staff DecorAmo before proceeding with the purchase.
The background color is simply a tool provided to users to see color combinations, the only color that you can choose is to the stickers.
The duration is guaranteed for 5 years for black and white, and for 3 years for all coloured.
Wallstickers can be easily removed by exerting heat on it with an hair dryer and by lifting up a corner; it slowly comes off without traces, except for some water-based glue, that can be removed with a damp rag.
However it considers that a wall should be painted every two or three years, so it is